How to Select a High Quality Pediatric First Aid and Infant/Child CPR Training

Did you know:

All Pediatric Infant/Child First Aid with CPR Courses should include the following content:

  • Unresponsive infant (less than 1 year of age):  Compress the chest at least 100 times per minute.
  • Unresponsive child 1-8 years of age:  Compress the chest 100 – 120 times per minute.
  • CPR for unresponsive infants and any age child:
  • Check for responsiveness
  • Tell someone to call 911
  • Begin with 30 chest compressions
  • Compress chest of an infant or child at least 1/3 of the diameter of the chest (approximately 1.5 inches in infants less than 1 year of age or 2 inches in children)
  • Open the airway. Give 2 rescue breaths, each for 1 second. Be sure the chest rises
  • Give 30 additional compressions, alternating with 2 rescue breaths
  • Complete five 5 cycles of compressions and breaths (about 2 minutes)
    If no one has called 911, call 911 yourself.

Duration for a pediatric first aid course (with Infant/Child CPR) is approximately 4 – 6 hours.

Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards (CFOC4), 4th Ed. Standard Topics Covered in First Aid lists over 30 topics included in first aid/CPR training for early care and education staff. A quality training also addresses the needs of other children in the group while managing an emergency appropriately and calmly. Staff are prepared to give first aid to any child, including children with special health care needs.

Post a Pediatric First Aid Charts in Your Program as Reminders for Staff

Order the national American Academy of Pediatrics (2016) 3-in-1 First Aid, Choking, CPR Chart (11 x 17 inches) from Post one in each classroom and review content as needed. A pack of 100 charts is $55.00 plus shipping and handling. Consider teaming up with another program or two to reduce the cost.

Prepared by:

Nancy Alleman, BSN, RN, CRNP, CSN

Sandy McDonnell, MSN, RN, CRNP

Libby Ungvary, MEd, ECELS Director

ECELS is a program of the PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics