The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Deputy Secretary, Shante’ Brown has a message to clarify the intent of ELRC Announcement 24-01 Updated Provider Agreements for Certified Child Care Providers.
The Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program pays 95% of tuition costs and fees for eligible college coursework taken by early learning professionals, with a maximum benefit of $8,000 per individual each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Tuition costs and fees net of other funding sources such as scholarships, stipends, discounts, or grants (except the Pell Grant) are used to determine the amount of assistance. It is recommended completed applications be submitted at least four weeks prior to the start of the course, or prior to the tuition due date, whichever is first.
Learn MoreThe PDOs drive local degree attainment and Career Pathway advancement for Pennsylvania’s incumbent child care workforce. Through partnerships with participating Institutes of Higher Education and community-based professional learning organizations, the PDOs offer free tuition, and supports to eligible participants interested in earning a CDA, AA or BA. PDOs also develop and implement recruitment pathways such as dual enrollment programs and Career and Technical Education (CTE) child care pathways. PDOs are funded to serve six regions and work collaboratively with Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs) to prioritize funding with a goal of impacting STARS movement goals.
Learn MoreThe T.E.A.C.H. (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps) Early Childhood® Pennsylvania Scholarship Program offers early learning professionals a debt-free higher education, supporting them while they work to become stronger teachers and earn thriving wages. The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Pennsylvania Scholarship Program offers early learning professionals a debt-free college education, supporting them while they work to become stronger teachers and earn thriving wages. In addition to significant financial support, T.E.A.C.H. provides each participant a counselor to help them navigate challenges in their personal life, career or at school and achieve their goals.
T.E.A.C.H. is a shared investment between the scholarship recipient, the employer and T.E.A.C.H. funders. Employers pay a portion of tuition, provide paid release time for classes and coursework, and issue a stipend or raise at the end of each program year. In return, T.E.A.C.H. scholars commit to working for their employer at least one year after graduation, creating a more stable workforce.
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