ELRC 22-07

OCDEL-Approved Curricula and Developmental Assessment Tools in Keystone STARS


  • All Keystone STARS Providers;
  • Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs); and
  • The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Early Learning Resource Center Program Representative


Shante’ Brown,
Acting Deputy Secretary, Office of Child Development & Early Learning

Issue Date: Dec. 1, 2022
Updated Date: Dec. 1, 2022
Effective Date:


To provide information on the OCDEL-approved curricula and developmental assessments for use by STAR 3 and 4 programs.


STAR 3 and STAR 4 programs can earn points in optional quality indicator EC 3.4.1 by using an OCDEL approved curriculum and EC 3.4.2 by using an OCDEL approved developmental assessment tool. The list of OCDEL approved curricula for use by programs can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website


The optional requirements for STAR 3 and 4 providers to use OCDEL-approved curricula and development assessments in order to earn points in EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 has not changed in recent years. However, OCDEL recognizes these requirements may not have been communicated effectively or implemented consistently across the commonwealth. Effective December 1, 2022, only current OCDEL-approved curricula and developmental assessment tools will be accepted in meeting EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 for STAR 3 and 4 designations as outlined in this policy announcement.

Updates to the Listings of OCDEL-Approved Curricula and/or Developmental Assessment Tools

OCDEL is implementing an annual process during which time, a Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development staff will contact all currently approved vendors to inquire about any updates or revisions that were made to their curricula and/or assessments tools over the last year. This process will occur during the months of January and February when OCDEL will also place a call for any additional vendors to apply to have their curricula and/or developmental assessments tools approved for use.

Following the annual review process, OCDEL will update the listings of approved curricula and/or developmental assessments tools to reflect the following:

  • Older versions of curricula and/or assessments tools that are no longer supported by vendors will be marked as “Sunset”, effective June 30 of the following fiscal year. These sunset tools will be removed from the OCDEL approved listings in their entirety at the start of the following fiscal year.
    • Example: An assessment tool is determined to be no longer supported during OCDEL’s annual review in Jan/Feb 2023. In March of 2023, the updated listing of OCDEL-approved assessment tools will indicate that this assessment will be sunset effective June 30, 2023. The tool will remain on the listing through the fiscal year 2023-2024, with the clarifying language that it was sunset effective June 30, 2023. The tool will be totally removed from the listing the following year, July 1, 2024.
  • Approved new curricula and/or assessments tools and updated versions of previously approved curricula and/or assessments tools will be added to the listing and will become effective July 1 of the following fiscal year.
  • Curricula and/or assessments tools from additional vendors will be added to the listing and will become effective July 1 of the following fiscal year.

In cases in which a vendor releases a newer version of a curricula and/or developmental assessment tool that has only minor changes and the older version is still supported by the vendor, both the former version and the updated version will be included on the OCDEL-approved lists.

NOTE: It is important to note that while the OCDEL-approved curricula and/or developmental assessments listings will be updated each March to reflect any tools that will be sunset at the end of the current fiscal year, providers will have until July 1 of the following fiscal year to choose and adopt a new approved tool.

Example: ABC Child Care is currently using an approved curriculum. In March 2023, the updated approved curricula and assessment listings are released and indicate that the curriculum ABC Child Care is using will be sunset on June 30, 2023. ABC Child Care will have until July 1, 2023, to choose and adopt a new curriculum from the approved listing in order to meet EC 3.4.1.

Communication to the Keystone STARS Providers Regarding Updates to the Curricula and/or Developmental Assessments Listings

OCDEL will communicate any changes to the listings of approved curricula and/or developmental assessment tools that will become effective July 1 of the following fiscal year via the Pennsylvania (PA) Early Education Newsletter. It is estimated that the listings will be updated in March of every fiscal year and the field will be notified via the PA Early Education Newsletter at that time.

Expectations for Keystone STARS Providers when Updates Occur to Approved Curricula and/or Developmental Assessments Tools Listings

Keystone STAR 3 and STAR 4 providers who wish to continue to meet EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 will need to confirm that the curriculum and developmental assessment tool they are using are OCDEL-approved. Such providers will also need to ensure that the curricula and/or developmental assessments tool they are using will not be sunset at the beginning of the following fiscal year. Providers should make this review a regular part of their annual Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) activities and CQI plan update.

Providers who are using a curriculum and/or developmental assessment tool or previous version of a tool that is no longer considered approved, will need to choose a new tool, or newer version of a tool, that is OCDEL- approved if they wish to continue meeting EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2. Providers will need to choose a new tool before their next full Keystone STARS designation if they wish to meet the relevant STARS Quality Indicators. In addition, by the time of their next full designation, these providers would need to have all onsite leadership team members and teaching staff take appropriate professional development (PD) in the new vendor-related tool if they wish to meet the relevant STAR PD Quality Indicators (SQ 3.4.6 and SQ 3.4.8)

Next Steps

Keystone STARS Providers

  1. Review the information with your staff.
  2. Providers who are using STARS quality indicators EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 toward their STAR 3 and 4 designation shall refer to the listings for OCDEL-approved curricula and developmental assessments to ensure the tools they are using remain on the list.
  3. As part of providers’ annual CQI Plan update and activities, ensure that the curriculum and assessment tools they are using to meet EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 remain on the OCDEL-approved listings.
  4. Please direct any questions to your ELRC.

Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs)

  1. Review and share with appropriate staff.
  2. Refer to the listings for OCDEL-approved curricula and developmental assessments to become familiar with the current approved tools.
  3. As part of annual work with providers, ensure that the curriculum and assessment tools they are using to meet EC 3.4.1 and EC 3.4.2 remain on the OCDEL-approved listings
  4. Please direct any questions to your program representative.

View full announcement as a PDF.