Child care facilities and schools located in Pennsylvania with lead in drinking water sample results within 36 months of the application date showing water fixtures exceeding the remediation trigger level of 5 ppb (parts per billion) are invited to apply for the WIIN 2107: Voluntary School and Childcare Lead testing and Reduction Grant.
Reduction activities may include purchasing and installing hydration stations, point-of-use devices designed to remove lead or replacement of faucets. The primary goal of this grant program is to reduce children’s exposure to lead in drinking water.
Funding under this grant has been appropriated under 1464(d) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Funding provided will be up to $3,000 per hydration station per 100 students in one building. Up to $30,000 may be awarded per building/childcare facility or $100,000 per school district.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting to discuss their lead reduction plans to ensure they meet applicable program criteria. Meetings can be scheduled by emailing