The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has released the Announcement ELRC 20-#03 Child Care Works Payments During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak.
The Announcement states that if the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) advises or mandates child care facilities close as a result of COVID-19 in a target community, county or statewide, Child Care Works (CCW) agreements will be paid based on the active CCW enrollments at their child care facilities at the time the closure is ordered. This payment will continue through the end of April 2020. If the PA DOH orders child care facilities to close, the Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) should not suspend children due to the closing of the facility but allow all children who are enrolled in CCW at the time of the closing to remain enrolled. ELRCs may not enroll a child with a new provider under any circumstances. The enrollment must stay with the closed provider. OCDEL recognizes that families will also be impacted by changes to their own work schedule and income, during child care closures related to COVID-19. Child care providers will not collect the family co-pays for CCW for the period of the closure. In consultation with DOH, the Department of Human Services and the Governor’s Office, these payment practices may be extended to support child care providers’ return to full operating capacity. Please note: As of March 13, 2020, only Montgomery County child care centers and group child care homes operating in commercial spaces are required to close. |