Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP)

What is ICP?

The ICP is a program observation instrument that measures the quality of provisions and daily practices that support the developmental needs of children with disabilities in early childhood settings where children ages two to five are enrolled.

It assesses twelve key practices including:

  • Adaptations of Space, Materials, and Equipment
  • Adult Involvement in Peer Interactions
  • Adults' Guidance of Children's Free-Choice Activities and Play
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Membership
  • Relationships Between Adults and Children
  • Support for Communication
  • Adaptations of Group Activities
  • Transitions Between Activities
  • Feedback
  • Family-Professional Partnerships
  • Monitoring Children's Learning

Which program(s) could use ICP?

Early Childhood programs that enroll children ages two to five years (majority of children are aged three and older) in a preschool classroom setting and have at least one enrolled child with an identified disability.

How does ICP support Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?

The ICP gathers information on how well programs implement quality inclusive practices which support the development and inclusion of all children in the classroom and areas for growth. The information gathered can also be used to help create the program’s continuous quality improvement plan.

ICP Assessment Process

External ICP assessments are conducted by a reliable ICP assessor from the Program Quality Assessment (PQA) team.

Internal ICP assessments are conducted by the program’s internal assessment (IA) team. The program’s IA team partners with the Quality Coach and ICP Assessor when planning for and conducting internal assessment and when analyzing the data collected during the internal assessment process. Please see How to Conduct an Internal Assessment Using the ICP for detailed information on using the ICP for internal assessment.

Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) 1-Pager

Last Updated: July 2024

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