CDA Content Areas
The 120-hour CDA course must include a minimum of 10 hours in each content area.

As a provider of CDA coursework in Pennsylvania’s Professional Development (PD) Registry, please review the clarifications below pertaining to Community CDA (Non-credit) Courses and Events within the PD Registry.
The goal of alignment between course level and learning objectives is to assure coursework obtained from the PD Registry can be linked to specific competencies under each Standard Area. The expectation is that the chosen objectives will be addressed within the course to an extent that the participant can demonstrate competency at the course level selected in the chosen objectives.
The goal of alignment between course level and learning objectives is to assure coursework obtained from the PD Registry can be linked to specific competencies under each Standard Area. The expectation is that the chosen objectives will be addressed within the course to an extent that the participant can demonstrate competency at the course level selected in the chosen objectives.
The 120-hour CDA course must include a minimum of 10 hours in each content area.
Community-Based Organizations with Online Registration in the Registry: The instructor should schedule the event as usual with online registration turned on.
Community-Based organization without Online Registration in the Registry: The instructor should list the event as self-paced.
This allows instructors to add participants to the roster prior to the event, and allows the course to appear as
Registered within the participants My PD tab.
Once all participants are entered within the roster, the instructor will need to email the participants proof of registration of the CDA course.
Instructors can use the message roster function to email participants directly through the PD Registry, located within the Manage Roster dropdown. An email template is provided below.
Thank you for choosing [Organization Name] CDA course.
This email confirms you are actively enrolled in our CDA program that starts on [Date] and ends on [Date].
This course counts towards 120 clock hours in the eight areas required to meet the training requirements to apply for the Child Development Associate (CDA).
Please follow the below steps to enter a CDA event within the PD Registry.
1. Go to papdregistry.org.
2. Click Login in the top right corner.
3. Enter your email address and password, then click Login.
4. Select Training Entry in the left-hand menu.
5. Click New Event.
6. Select a Course. Enter the Course Title or Course ID. Click Search.
7. Click Select next to the course you want to schedule.
8. On this screen you will be able to toggle through each tab (Course, Trainer & Sponsor, Assessments & Delivery, Event, Registration). You will also be able to toggle through the event by clicking on the edit icons on the left-hand side next to Event Trainer and Event Details.
The next steps will provide you with directions for each tab.
9. You will be able to review the course information on this page.
10. Click Select next to the Instructor providing this event.
Click No if you are done adding instructors. Click Yes if you would like to add another.
If you select Yes, this is the screen you will see. Enter in the Instructors Registry ID# within the Trainer ID section or the Trainer’s name. Click Search.
If you need to exit this page, click on the X in the upper right-hand corner to continue to the event entry.
Check the Confirmed box, to confirm the instructor. Select the Training Language.
Select the Event Funder (only for funded events). Click Continue.
11. Complete the Assessment of Learning and Delivery Methods sections on this page. Click Continue.
12. Event Details
Event Date & Time
Additional Date/Time Info box:
Contact Info:
Select Yes or No if registration is required
If registration is NOT required, click Save & Review to continue.
14. Click OK
15. Review the information on this page and click Submit Event at the top.
16. Event Saved: Click OK.
To verify attendees, please follow the below steps.
Once all participants are entered within the roster, the instructor will need to email the participants proof of registration of the CDA course.
Instructors can use the message roster function to email participants directly through the PD Registry,
located within the Manage Roster dropdown. *An email template is provided below.
Thank you for choosing [Organization Name] CDA course.
This email confirms you are actively enrolled in our CDA program that starts on [Date] and ends on [Date].
This course counts towards 120 clock hours in the eight areas required to meet the training requirements to apply for the Child Development Associate (CDA).