The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development and Bureau of Certification has released the Announcement C-21-10: Obsolete Certification Announcements for Certified Child Care Providers- Order of the Acting Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Directing Face Coverings in School Entities. This Announcement provides updated information to certified child care providers who are impacted by announcements issued as a result of Order of the Acting Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Directing Face Coverings in School Entities (Order).
In order to be responsive to Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling on Dec. 10, 2021, this Announcement serves as communication that the following announcements will be obsolete:
Any citations for regulatory violations issued pursuant 55 Pa. Code Chapters 3270, 3280, and 3290 pertaining to compliance with “pertinent laws and regulations” “general health and safety,” and “child and adult health information for failure to comply with the Acting Secretary of Health’s Order will be rescinded.
For full details, see the Announcement C-21-10: Obsolete Certification Announcements for Certified Child Care Providers- Order of the Acting Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Directing Face Coverings in School Entities.