Dec. 13, 2023: CMS 2024 Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Stakeholder Webinar

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is partnering with the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) on an Early Care and Education Workers Week of Action, December 10-16 to ensure early care and education (ECE) providers maintain or have access to health coverage. Staff who work in child care centers, family child care, Head Start, preschool, home visitors, and other early childhood settings may qualify for affordable, quality health coverage, and each of us can play a role in helping the workforce navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment period this year!

Join the CMS webinar on Dec. 13, 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET to learn more about how stakeholders can help consumers navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period. Katie Hamm, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood Development, will join the webinar and share remarks on how to improve health coverage for the early care and education workforce. This webinar will highlight critical information, resources, and other information such as toolkits designed for stakeholders to successfully help consumers navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period. Open Enrollment runs from Nov. 1, 2023 to Jan. 15, 2024. Register via Zoom for the webinar.

Who should attend: This webinar is for: Champions for Coverage organizations; Navigators; Certified Application Assisters; Agents & Brokers; National, state, territory, tribal, and community early childhood stakeholders; Child Care and Development Fund lead agency staff; Head Start Collaboration Office staff; Head Start and child care program leaders; training and technical assistance providers; ACF Central and Regional Office Staff; and organizations that represent or support ECE providers and teachers, or other uninsured populations.