Complete Your Profile + Apply for Career Pathway

Before Applying

  1. Login to your PD registry account (
  2. Check the Complete My Profile (Career Pathway) box.
  3. Click the Apply/Renew
  4. Collect digital copies* of the necessary information for upload including:
    • Education Transcripts
    • Certificates
    • Credentials
    • Diplomas

NOTE: *Digital copies can be scanned copies or a clear photo of individual documents.

  1. Click the blue Start. 

Personal Information

Complete all required* fields:

  1. General Information
    • First Name*
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name*
    • Previous Name (if applicable)
    • Email Address*
  2. Mailing Address (NOTE: Select This is a business Address checkbox if applicable.)
    • Country*
    • Address*
    • Apt/Suite #
    • Zip*
    • City*
    • State*
    • County*
  3. Home Address (NOTE: Select Same as Mailing Address checkbox if applicable. Otherwise provide required information.)
    • Country*
    • Address*
    • Apt/Suite #
    • Zip*
    • City*
    • State*
    • County*
  4. Additional General Information
    • Primary Phone*
    • Secondary Phone
    • Fax
    • Birth Date*
    • Gender*
  5. Ethnicity
    • Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?*
    • Do you consider yourself?*
  6. Language
    • Primary Language*
    • Secondary Language
    • Preferred Training Language
  7. Communication Preferences

Click Save and Continue when finished.


Self-report and upload digital copies of ALL your completed education and any relevant current degree enrollment documents. “>Access a checklist of required materials and supporting documentation. >

  • High School
    • Indicate if you do have a high school diploma, do not have a high school diploma, OR if you are enrolled in a CTE program.
    • Add your graduation date if you have a high school diploma.
    • Upload your diploma or transcript if this is your highest level of education.
  • Child Development Associate (CDA)
    • Upload the official certificate from the Council for Professional Recognition
  • Completed Higher Education
    • Upload all transcripts for degrees earned and enter all required information.
  • Teacher Certification
    • Upload official teacher certification
  • Pennsylvania Director Credential or other NAEYC approved Credentials
    • Upload Official Certificate along with any applicable education
  • Credentials, Certificates, Diplomas & Endorsements
    • Upload certificates, credentials, diplomas, or endorsements along with any applicable education
  • CPR, First Aid, Safety Requirements
    • Upload a certificate if you have taken a First Aid/CPR course outside of the PD Registry. (NOTE: You do not need to upload a certificate if you have completed a First Aid/CPR training through the PD Registry.)
  • Currently Enrolled
    • Upload documentation from the college that you are currently enrolled in a course or program.
  • Professional Development taken Outside of the PD Registry
    • Upload certificates of any PD taken outside of the PD Registry. These are considered self-reported and will not be verified by the PD Registry. (NOTE: Completed Better Kid Care courses as they are already reflected on your Learning Record.)
  • Foreign Degree Evaluation
    • If you hold a foreign degree and are working in early childhood education (ECE) in Pennsylvania, you need to complete this process to be placed on Pennsylvania’s ECE Career Pathway.

NOTE: Failure to upload higher education transcripts and appropriate documents to support self-reported education may lead to incorrect placement on Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) Career Pathway.

Click Save and Continue when finished.


Add an employment record for every early learning and school-age care position you hold or have held in the past. If you held more than one position for the same employer, enter a separate entry for each position and end date for any position which you no longer hold.

  1. Click Add Position.
  2. Select the choice that best reflects your current employer.
  3. Search your employer’s name.
  4. Answer all questions on the Employment screen.

(NOTE: Once you have submitted your application, you WILL NOT be able to edit any information until your application has been processed.)

Click Save and Continue when finished.


You do not need to complete or upload anything to this section. Click Save and Continue.


Complete the first section. Skip this section if you do no have any memberships.

  1. Add any Professional Memberships you may have. More than one membership can be added.
  2. Add the Renewal dates for each membership.
  3. Click the red folder to upload documentation.

Complete the next section.

(NOTE: This is a required field if you are applying for the Director Credential but is not necessary to complete your profile or apply for PA’s ECE Career Pathway placement.)

  1. Click the Director Credential application.
  2. Upload documentation of Director Credential.

Click Save and Continue when finished.

Final Steps

  • Confirm the Application Review is correct.
  • Confirm the Application Submission screen is also correct and the proper education documentation is uploaded.

Click Submit Application.

After Applying

You will receive a confirmation email that your application is successfully submitted. Allow ninety (90) days for processing your placement on PA’s ECE Career Pathway.

(NOTE: Applications without appropriate uploaded documentation to support self-reported education levels will be marked as incomplete and/or placed incorrectly on Pennsylvania’s ECE Career Pathway.)

Questions? Contact the PD Registry at

Renewing, Updating or Appealing Your Placement

Profile completion and placement on Pennsylvania’s ECE Career Pathway is valid for one (1) year from the original date an individual is awarded a Career Pathway level. Individuals are sent an email reminder sixty (60) days before their Renewal date. Individuals must re-submit their profile for annual renewal.

Renew Career Pathway Placement

  1. Login to your PD Registry account.
  2. Click Renew my Career Pathway Placement tab.
  3. Update profile with new information or confirm that no information has changed.

Updating or Appealing Placement Before Renewal Date

If an individual receives another degree or credential and wants to update their Career Pathways placement:

  1. Complete the Career Pathway Review Form on the Career Pathway Review form.
  2. Login to your PD Registry account.
  3. Upload new documentation on the Education screen.

(NOTE: Individuals do not need to update their PD Registry profile for individual course completion. This process is for completing a degree program, earning a certificate, or successful completion of sufficient coursework for to receive higher Career Pathway level.)