Submit Accreditation for Keystone STARS Alternative Pathways Designation

Submit Accreditation for Keystone STARS Alternative Pathways Designation


Click Login in the top right corner.


Enter your email address and password, then click Login.


As someone with an Organizational Administrative role, click on the name of your organization from the top right-hand corner drop-down menu.


Within your organization’s profile, select the Program Info tab and then the Accreditation tab.


Add accreditations for your program by selecting the +Accreditation button.


Enter your program’s Accreditation Information.

NOTE: Documentation regarding the accreditation is required. Add this by using the +File button.


NOTE: The different Accreditation types acceptable are shown below.

Once entered, click Save and Close.

An accreditation entry will present with a Pending status until a Quality Coach verfies the information and documentation provided by the program. In the meantime programs are able to:

  • Remove an entry by clicking the Delete icon.
  • Change or add documentation by clicking the Edit icon.

NOTE: Once validated by a Quality Coach, the status of the accreditation will update to Verified.