This policy outlines the procedure to be followed in the event of complaints filed against Professional Quality Assurance System (PQAS) Instructors. The aim is to address complaints effectively while maintaining the integrity and quality of PQAS training. Each PQAS Instructor and organization operates autonomously and retains the authority to establish their own policies and procedures. However, they must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Policy and Procedures Manual.
Instructors operating independently.
Instructors representing or operating under an organization.
For minor complaints or first offenses, the committee will:
If the initial offense is severe, the following steps will be taken:
If a second offense occurs, the following steps will be taken:
The Committee reserves the right to take any appropriate action relative to a complaint in order to ensure the reparation of any harm caused and to uphold the mission and values of the Pennsylvania Key.
Immediate removal will occur if the complaint includes falsifying records, criminal activity, forging documents, violation of intellectual property rights, and any other behaviors that bring into question the instructor’s professionalism and/or competence in performing the work.
In cases where repeated offenses occur and/or the severity of the offense warrants immediate action, the following steps may be taken:
In the case of complaints against organization-affiliated instructors, PQAS will:
This policy aims to ensure accountability and professionalism among PQAS Instructors while providing a fair and transparent process for handling complaints. Adherence to this policy is essential to maintain the quality and reputation of PQAS training programs.
PQAS acknowledges that certain complaints against its instructors may warrant legal action. In instances where complaints involve criminal activity, falsification of records, or other serious breaches of professional conduct, PQAS reserves the right to pursue legal recourse as deemed necessary.
Furthermore, PQAS is committed to cooperating fully with relevant authorities in the investigation of such complaints and will provide all necessary documentation and assistance to ensure due process is followed.
It is imperative for all PQAS Instructors to understand that violations of this policy may result in legal consequences, including but not limited to civil litigation, regulatory penalties, and criminal prosecution, depending on the nature and severity of the offense.
By agreeing to serve as PQAS Instructors, individuals, and organizations explicitly consent to abide by this policy and acknowledge the potential legal implications of non-compliance.