Updated Keystone STARS Performance Standards and Program Manual

Now available are the updated Keystone STARS Performance Standards and Program Manual, effective July 1, 2018.

On July 1, 2017, the revised Keystone STARS Performance Standards were released. During the 17/18 Fiscal Year, Early Child Care and Education programs had the opportunity to become familiar with the revised STAR Standards during a “Hold Harmless” Year. Also during FY 17/18, OCDEL held numerous STARS Stakeholder engagement events, including STARS Think Tank, in order to capture the field’s
recommendations for further refining the Performance Standards.

Following the analysis of the field’s recommendations and data collection on STAR movement in FY 2017/2018, the decision was made to further streamline the Keystone STARS Performance Standards. This update included:

  • removing Quality Indicators which were covered in Certification Regulations
  • combining similar Quality Indicators which appeared to be redundant in language
  • further clarifying how Quality Indicators could be applied to Family Child Care and School Age Programs
  • dividing some Quality Indicators into separate Quality Indicators in order to capture separate concepts
  • clarifying how Bonus Point categories can be used
  • updating Alternate Pathways
  • introducing Staff Qualification and Professional Development long-range goals and benchmarks

The updated Keystone STARS performance standards continue to ensure that Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable children are receiving quality early care and education. In addition, the updated standards are further streamlined to focus on elements that most impact quality services for children and families. As a result, the number of quality indicators has been further reduced.

For additional details, please see OCDEL’s Early Learning Services Announcement KS-18 #02.


Keystone STARS Bonus Points