As a result of ongoing feedback received related to the Keystone STARS Performance Standards, clarifications and changes are being made to:
- Improve the readability of the STARS quality indicators through additional bullet points and wording changes
- Further clarify the intent behind the STARS quality indicators by including additional information to certain indicators
- Provide greater detail as to how quality indicators can be applied to specific provider types such as school age child care, group child care homes, and family child care homes
- Provide thoughtful questions for self-assessment by providers and to guide discussions between programs and their quality coach
- Further clarify the role of PD Plans in a program’s Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Plan (SQ 3.4.1)
- Provide clear definitions of commonly used terms through the addition of a Glossary of Terms
- Retract previously defined timelines for implementing higher staff qualifications by removing the previous Appendix A
In addition, to support OCDEL’s priority to understand Pennsylvania’s ECE workforce, changes were made to:
- Further define Professional Development (PD) Registry participation requirements (SQ 2.2)
- Integrate the PA Early Childhood Education (ECE) Career Pathway into the staff qualifications quality indicator (SQ 3.4.2)
- Provide Pennsylvania Early Childhood Education (PA ECE) Career Pathway for easy reference within the Performance Standards
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, OCDEL is temporarily changing the Keystone STARS requirement for Program Quality Assessment (PQA), found in the Early Childhood Education Program indicator EC 3.4.5, for all STAR 3 and 4 programs for FY 20/21. Previously Keystone STARS quality indicator EC 3.4.5, required all programs seeking to move to a STAR 3 or 4 or renew their STAR 3 or 4 designation to have an external PQA using either Environment Rating Scales (ERS) or CLASS and meet the minimum threshold scores for each STAR level.
The authors of the ERS advised against using the ERS tool for high stakes decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic as programs navigate the safe return to serving families.
OCDEL agrees with the position statement based on the significant changes necessary to implement Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidance for Child Care that Remain Open. Programs will not be required to have an external ERS or CLASS assessment in order to move up to or maintain a STAR 3 or 4 designation during 2020-21. Suspending the Keystone STARS standard requiring ERS and CLASS high-stakes assessment for programs seeking to renew their current STAR 3 or 4 designation or move to a STAR 3 or 4 at this critical time will allow programs to focus on maintaining or reopening operations safely. Additionally, the PQA team, ELRC staff and others, will be responsive to the emergent health and safety support needs of Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs.
As a result of current and ongoing conditions of COVID-19, the following temporary changes have been made to the role Program Quality Assessment (PQA) has in the Keystone STARS Performance Standards for the 2020-21 program Year*:
- Integrate a program’s Facility COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan into CQI activities (EC 2.1 and EC 3.4.5)
- Transition from the use of a formal external PQA to an internal Assessment process that will guide programs in their CQI activities (EC 3.4.5)
- Provide programs the opportunity to consult with a Program Quality Assessor at the completion of their internal assessment process (EC 3.4.6)
- Replace “self-assessment” with the term “internal assessment”
- Remove PQA minimum threshold scores for STAR 3 and 4 programs
*Changes to temporarily suspend the requirement for an external PQA (ERS or CLASS Assessment) in the 2020-21 Keystone STARS Performance Standards are related to best practices in the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19. In future renewal cycles beginning after June 30, 2021, programs may be required to have an external program assessment and meet threshold scores to continue designation at STAR 3 or STAR 4. OCDEL will issue an announcement and revised STAR Standards when any expectations regarding the designation process changes which will align with new program years.