As of July 1, 2022, the Pennsylvania Key no longer offers the self-paced Environment Rating Scale (ERS) online courses for ITERS-R, ECERS-R, ECERS-3, SACERS-U, FCCERS-R in Pennsylvania’s Professional Development (PD) Registry. ERS PD is still offered in-person and virtually through the Program Quality Assessment team.
Anyone who purchased an ERS Online Course prior to June 30, 2022, can access the course for completion until July 31, 2022. If completion by Jul. 31, 2022 is not possible, email with your name, email, the ERS online course name and event ID to receive a refund.
Self-paced ERS professional development is still independently offered by the Environment Rating Scale Institute (ERSI). New self-paced online courses and additional PQA-related professional development sessions are currently in development.
Learn more about Program Quality Assessment (PQA) Professional Development.