Created in 2007 by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), The Pennsylvania Key implements the work and supports the policies developed and managed by OCDEL. Learn More. >
Effective Aug. 1, 2020, there is a new process for early childhood education (ECE) professionals and families to request supports for a child with unique needs or challenging behaviors to help prevent expulsion and/or suspension from ECE programs. In the past, providers and families would call the CONNECT Helpline. Starting Aug. 1, 2020, to request...Read More
A new survey from OCDEL is gathering information to determine how OCDEL is meeting professional development needs when it comes to the suspension and expulsion policy. Those who play a role in child care or pre-k should complete the survey, including those who have received the guidance documents, and/or received the initial policy announcement and...Read More
Professionals in York and Adams counties have been working for years on a collaborative response to assist child care with behavior concerns and possible expulsion or suspension of young children. They began seven years ago with a program entitled SPEC, Supporting Positive Environments for Children. This model provides ongoing coaching support to early childhood programs...Read More
Watch Relationships Matter: Reducing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Learning, a recorded webinar featuring OCDEL Deputy Secretary Suzann Morris. This 25 minute, self-paced video is designed to assist programs as they develop their own policies surrounding expulsion and suspension of children. For more resources on Suspension and Expulsion, please visit the PA Key website.Read More