Early Intervention



New Process to Prevent Expulsion and/or Suspension from ECE Programs

Effective Aug. 1, 2020, there is a new process for early childhood education (ECE) professionals and families to request supports for a child with unique needs or challenging behaviors to help prevent expulsion and/or suspension from ECE programs. In the past, providers and families would call the CONNECT Helpline. Starting Aug. 1, 2020, to request...
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Early Intervention Family Survey Opens February 1, 2020

Pennsylvania’s Early Intervention Program (Infant/Toddler and Preschool) wants to hear from families about their experience with Early Intervention. Families whose children are receiving Early Intervention Services can respond to the survey February 1 through June 30, 2020. If you know a family receiving Early Intervention services, please share with them the flyer. The survey can...
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Pennsylvania to Invest $10 Million to Support Early Childhood Educators in Career Development

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf announced today that his administration will make a $10 million investment in Pennsylvania’s children through a workforce development program that will help early childhood workers gain valuable credentials and advance their professional careers. “It’s imperative that we support early childhood workers with career training and advancement opportunities,” Gov. Wolf said....
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Early Learning Professionals Invited to Take Inclusion, Suspension & Expulsion Survey: Deadline March 21

A new survey from OCDEL is gathering information to determine how OCDEL is meeting professional development needs when it comes to the suspension and expulsion policy. Those who play a role in child care or pre-k should complete the survey, including those who have received the guidance documents, and/or received the initial policy announcement and...
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Governor Wolf Proposes $81.2 million in Increased Investment for our Early Learners

In his budget address this week, Governor Wolf set important spending priorities for increasing investments in young children including: $40 million so that 4,390 additional three and four year olds can attend PreK and Head Start $25 million to help working families afford childcare $4.5 million increas in Pennsylvania’s home visiting programs that work with...
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