Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

In which Keystone STARS Performance Standard will my program earn bonus points for successfully implementing PBIS?

Early Childhood Education Program (2 points)

How does PBIS align with the Keystone STARS Performance Standards?

Children benefit from safe, nurturing environments, clear and consistent routines, and effective teachers who understand behavior is a child’s way of communicating his/her needs.

Program-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PW-PBIS) is a conceptual framework for supporting social emotional development and decreasing challenging behaviors in early childhood, based on the guidance and resource of the Pyramid Model. PW-PBIS supports administrative teams to use implementation science and practical strategies to support their staff and families. This initiative guides programs to make data-based decisions, engage in shared leadership, and coach staff to implement evidence-based practices.

What evidence should I expect to provide to my Quality Coach to show full implementation of PBIS?

The PAPBS Network will evaluate programs who have implemented PBIS based on their standards. Once the facility has met those standards, they will receive a banner to display. In subsequent years, the program will receive a dated badge to attach to the banner. The Quality Coach will need to see the banner indicating recognition within the past 12 months.

Learn More About PBIS