Name of Training Organization | Address | Contact Information |
Arcadia University | 450 South Easton Road Glenside, PA 19038 |
Foram Bhukhanwala bhukhanf@arcadia.edu 215-517-2590 |
Carlow University (graduate courses) |
3333 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
Pam Zimmerman plzimmerman@carlow.edu 412-578-6246 |
Chestnut Hill College | 9601 Germantown Ave Philadelphia, PA 19116 |
Elaine Green green@chc.edu 215-248-7172 |
Delaware County Community College |
901 Media Line Rd |
Jean Allison |
Eastern University (graduate courses) |
1300 Eagle Rd St. David’s, PA 19087 |
Cathy Neimetz cneimetz@eastern.edu 610-225-5678 |
Esperanza College of Eastern University | 4261 North 5th Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 |
Gladys Ramirez-Wrease gramirez-wrease@esperanza.us 215-324-0746 ext. 419 |
Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) | School of Education 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike E316Q Lancaster, PA 17602 |
Jennifer Wright jswright@hacc.edu 717-293-5000 x312940 |
Indiana University of PA |
221 Stouffer Hall |
Kimberly Desmond kdesmond@iup.edu 724-357-4534 |
Keystone College (graduate courses) |
One College Green La Plume, PA 18440 |
Carolyn Crowley carolyn.crowley@keystone.edu 570-945-8471 |
Lackawanna College (accelerated courses) |
501 Vine Street Scranton, PA 18509 |
Laurie Mielo mielol@lackawanna.edu 570-961-7813 |
Lehigh Carbon Community College | 4525 Education Park Drive Schnecksville, PA 18078 |
Megan Strella mstrella@lccc.edu 610-799-1706 |
Northampton Community College |
3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA 18020 |
Tonia Breech tbreech@northampton.edu 610-332-6555 |
Penn State York | 1031 Edgecomb Avenue York, PA 17403 |
Erin Nelsen Ekn5@psu.edu 717-771-4114 |
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College | 101 Community College Way Johnstown, PA 15904 |
Allegra Slick aslick@pennhighlands.edu 1-888-385-7325 |
Pennsylvania Western University | 250 University Avenue California, PA 15419 | Clover Wright wright_c@pennwest.edu 724-938-4222 |
Reading Area Community College* | 10 South Second Street Box 1706 Reading, PA 19603 |
Nancy Jackson njackson@racc.edu 610-372-4721 ext. 5263 |
Shippensburg University | 203 Shippen Hall Shippensburg, PA 17257 |
Alison Mellott Almelott2@ship.edu 717-477-1648 |
Westmoreland County Community College | 3300 Science Hall Youngwood, PA 15697 | Dr. Brandi Slider-Weekley weekleyb@westmoreland.edu 724-635-5348 |
National Louis University (Aim 4 Excellence) **Must be taken for credit |
6200 Capital Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 |
Jane Humphries Jane.humphries@nl.edu Tel: 844-378-AIM4 (2464) |
Last Updated: 03/12/2024
* Indicates offered in an in person only format.