Tracey Campanini
Deputy Secretary, Office of Child Development & Early Learning
Issue Date: Aug. 24, 2021
Effective Date: Oct. 1, 2021
End Date: Sept. 30, 2021
To provide updated information regarding Child Care Works (CCW) payment to child care programs participating in CCW and to ELRC staff.
This policy obsoletes ELRC Policy Announcement 20#17 Child Care Works Payment During the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency and ELRC Policy Announcement 21 #04 Child Care Works Payment During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in its entirety effective Sept. 30, 2021.
Governor Wolf’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency ended, as of June 15, 2021 All CCW and Child Care regulations and policy exceptions related to Governor Wolf’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency must end Sept. 30, 2021. Effective Oct. 1, 2021, CCW attendance, invoicing and payment policies will be restored.
Effective Oct. 1, 2021, CCW payments to child care providers will no longer be based solely on their current enrollment. All attendance and invoicing policies will be restored as outlined in Appendix A-Rules for Participation in the Subsidized Child Care Program in the Certified Provider Agreement. Some key points to remember: