The Office of Child Development and Early Learning oversees several of the departments and agencies providing technical assistance and therefore looks at the area of technical assistance in a more global, cross-systems way.
The overall premise for the cross-systems work that is being done is three-fold:
- To create a seamless system of technical assistance that is easy to navigate by those who use it
- To better use available resources so as not to duplicate services
- To ensure that the technical assistance being offered is of a high quality
Supporting documents have been developed:
STARS Technical Assistance is an intensive, one-on-one service provided to early learning and school-age facilities to help the facility achieve specific Keystone STARS quality performance standards and movement in STAR levels.
It is administered through regional partners with the Pennsylvania Key and the Office of Child Development and Early Learning in partnership with consultants who have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to guide programs in the Keystone STARS content areas of Staff Qualifications and Professional Development, Leadership and Management, Early Learning (and School-Age) Program, and Partnerships with Family and Community.
Any certified or registered center, group, and/or home-based provider that is enrolled in Keystone STARS at STAR 1 or above and have enrolled in or completed the Keystone STARS Core Professional Development Series may request STARS TA services.