Providing Pennsylvania’s children with quality early learning experiences is a collaborative effort of families, schools, and communities that can produce a return on investment for all. Supports at the state level are important, but often the most innovative and successful strategies are borne from local collaboration and solutions. The Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grant Program offered 50 Community Innovation Grants to at-risk elementary schools and neighborhoods.
Over the course of three years, Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grant recipients received intensive supports focused on increasing the use of developmental screenings, implementation of the Kindergarten Entry Inventory, and local grants to strengthen relationships between early childhood providers and schools to build birth – 3rd grade alignment, to increase family supports and engagement, and to strengthen community networks of organizations supporting families. Best and promising practices were documented and shared with other communities throughout the state.
In 2014, Pennsylvania awarded 12 Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grants to 12 communities to expand local programs that help bridge the achievement gap for at-risk young children. In 2015, Pennsylvania awarded an additional 38 grants to local communities for a total of 50 Community Innovation Zone grantees.
For more information about the Community Innovation Zone Grants, please visit the PA Department of Education website.
Grants issued in 2014-15:
Grants issued in 2015-16: